Commercial Dishwashers Buying Guide

Any business which provides food and drink to members of the public, either paying consumers or staff members in canteens, has a duty to ensure crockery, cutlery and glassware are thoroughly clean. Legislation exists which is every bit as important and as strict as those regarding the handling of food items during the cooking process.

As one of the UK’s leading commercial dishwasher suppliers, we at Allsop & Francis are proud of the impressive collection of dishwashers and glasswashers we are able to offer. We have various styles currently available, so whatever type of business you are running, you can be sure we have the ideal machine to match your needs and your financial budget.

We offer both the tank variety, which re-uses water and is designed for faster levels of throughput, and a freshwater machine which uses the twin basket system and is capable of wash times as fast as 14 minutes. As always, which type of commercial dishwasher you choose will depend on the needs of the business, but you can rest assured we have the perfect machine for you.

The most important factors of all Commercial dishwashers

Miele Commercial DishwasherFor the majority of our commercial customers, there are two factors which are most important of all. One is the quality of the wash, and the other is the speed. Our superb Miele and Electrolux machines offer a wonderfully high standard of cleaning from the first wash of the day right through to the last, and a high turnaround means they can be refilled and reused in no time at all.

Owners of pubs, clubs and bars will be delighted by the speed and efficiency of our glasswashers. During particularly busy periods, it can be frustrating when your staff members have to scrabble around to find a supply of clean glasses, but with our fast and user-friendly machines this won’t be a problem anymore. Adjustments for wash times and temperature levels can be made with ease.

As well as providing the cleanliness and the speed that your business requires, our commercial dishwashers will also help you ensure that your procedures remain of the highest standard, and that they fall in with the latest healthcare legislation. No business can afford to compromise on its legal responsibilities these days, and relevant laws are tighter now than ever before.

As you might expect from such a wide range of machine options, it isn’t always easy to know which particular model will be most suitable for your needs. The simple answer is to pick up the phone and have a chat with one of our experts. We work with clients right across the food and drinks sector, and we will be more than happy to discuss the plus and minus points of each of your options.